Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ducks & Geese & Loons

Here on the lake there are a lot of ducks and Canada Geese, I hear them all day long. But the Loons are probably the most popular water fowl, they are quite graceful and have a lovely call to their mates as they move up and down the lake. We've had some nice warm days and a few rainy ones as well. Yesterday the workers put the boat docks and swim dock in the water - a sure sign that summer is coming.

Unfortunately for ducks and geese - they tend to make a mess on beaches and lawns around the lake making them quite unpopular and a nuisance as well as causing "duck itch" for swimmers. It's a delicate balance isn't it - I mean we have the wild life on one side and humans on the other - and both trying to occupy the same spaces. I guess it's up to us humans to make an effort to strike a reasonable balance so we can all co-exist comfortably.